“This is a picture of you and Mom when you came back from Afghanistan,” said Brown.

“Oh, I and Mom?” Big Scott replied.

“Yes. Look at this one right here. It is you holding your medal of honor after years of meritorious service to the U.S Military. Don’t you remember?” Brown usually continued.

Brown, my elder brother, will hold conversations like this with our dad, who we fondly called Big Scott, hoping something will spark some memory of who he was or who he used to be.

Everyone loved Big Scott because of his vibrant and fun-filled nature. Big Scott was what you’d refer to as the life of the party, not just in our family, but in our neighborhood. His hearty smile and warm hugs were full of life, inspiring everyone he came in contact with.

There was never a dull moment when Big Scott was around. After retiring from the Army, he spent a significant chunk of his time sharing war stories and his experiences in Burma, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He told everyone that cared to listen how it was their responsibility to make the world a better place. All that changed when dementia began to hit hard on Big Scott.

Living with our dad after he lost his memory sometimes left us at a loss. We could not connect life we used to and our once jovial home was filled with “should haves” and “would haves.” The memory loss of Big Scott took a toil on our neighborhood as well. Everyone loved the Big Scott they have known. It is undeniably overwhelming to think that a lot had happened in his life and our lives, and yet he could not recall these things.

Sixty-eight years of Big Scott’s life seemed to be lost, disappeared almost in an instant. At first, we were not sure what was going on. We would tell Big Scott something repeatedly, but he would still not remember. You could have an entire conversation with him and in the next five minutes, he remembers nothing that happened or was said.

We dismissed several of the signs we saw because he was approaching 70 and we thought it was normal for memories to slip by seniors. Big Scott could forget a movie we had seen during family time three days back or where he kept his glasses. His forgetfulness grew to an uncomfortable state as Big Scott could not maintain his social status to us as a family and to the people living in our neighborhood who have grown fond of his presence.

Someone who had something to say in every situation was always looking like a scared kitten. Big Scott had lost his jovial, happy aura, and it was replaced by a gloomy, unapproachable vibe. At this point, his company was unbearable. We knew this was no longer normal and had to seek help.

After several consultations, a team of diagnostic specialists tested Big Scott’s memory and looked also at his blood and brain and medications for all plausible explanations of his problem. When the diagnosis came, we discovered Big Scott was having dementia. According to the doctors, dementia covers a group of conditions that sometimes involve memory, sometimes other parts of thinking, feeling and moving.

While there is no cure for dementia, research is ongoing to find cures to dementia-causing diseases and doctors advise that once symptoms are detected they can be managed on time to prevent its worsening. This was our error. We saw the symptoms and didn’t note them.

All hope was not lost as we discovered a breakthrough product called Doctor G’s Best Brain. The product had been proven to improve brain power and memory. When Big Scott began to take Best Brain, he recorded remarkable changes and improvements. We noticed how he remembered little bits of past communications. He became livelier, engaging in discussions as he could remember a thing or two.

We could only wish Big Scott started using Best Brain earlier. The results he recorded made us recommend the product to other seniors living in our neighborhood. Best Brain has really helped Big Scott shake off years of memory loss and the process is looking very possible.

How Doctor G’s Best Brain Works

Doctor G’s Best Brain memory pill is rare plant extract from Okinawa, Japan, which is proven to keep the memory younger, sharper, and clearer, regardless of a person’s age. It is Japan’s most powerful memory pill, which is now being recommended by top US doctors to seniors looking to reverse years of memory loss.

Studies from top scientific journals -including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and over 100 others – have shown it delivers dramatic cognitive improvements.

In fact, it’s been shown to boost brain power, memory, recall, and cognition up to 73% in just 30 days. Best of all, it is 100% natural and does not require a prescription or doctor’s visit. 112 clinical studies involving over 10,800 participants have proven it can help deliver tremendous improvements in brain health, memory, focus, mood, and even energy levels.

What’s more, unlike the Japanese formulation, Doctor G’s Best Brain has also been enhanced with a unique proprietary blend of brain-boosting ingredients for maximum results in minimum time. As a combined force, the ingredients in each pill rev up production of the brain’s cellular energy molecule, resulting in critical fuel to the brain.

Here’s What People Are Saying…

“I am now on the second bottle of this product. I felt much sharper and ‘less foggy.’ At age 68 I was finding that ‘mental multi-tasking’ was harder to do. My focus seems to come much faster now. I take mine with breakfast in the morning and I am good the rest of the day.”

– Corey T.

“I’ve tried more than a dozen brain or memory products in the past and this is hands down the BEST! I have had focus and memory struggles for a long time now in addition to mental fog and brain fatigue. This helps immensely! Also, it’s super easy to take. Doctor G’s really stands behind their customers.”

– Kim S.

One month into taking my daily dose, I notice that I am NOT searching for the right word as much. I am so glad I found Doctor G’s Best Brain! I have been recommending it to my friends who have also seen significant results.

– John L.

“I have been taking Best Brain for several months now. Honestly, I feel like it helps me form better sentences and recall words, names, and places much faster. In the past, I often felt like I needed to take a 15-minute nap mid-morning just to reboot. Now, my brain feels more energized all throughout the day and I am more productive.”

– Kyle F.

Where Do I Get One?

For just a fraction of the cost, American seniors can now help stop their memory from slipping away and avoid forgetting names, places, or important dates. Doctor G’s is offering 2 FREE bottles for qualifying orders.